The children noticed a pigeon trapped behind the fence at preschool. We managed to rescue it, and this led to us talking about how hard it is for the birds to find food at this time of year. The children and I have been using fat seeds and some left over raisins from snack time to make bird feeders. Pushing the mixture into pine cones exercised hand muscles, improving fine motor skills. Thinking about how the birds struggle to find food and doing something to help works on personal social and emotional skills, specifically care and concern for living things and the environment.
It would be lovely if you could encourage your child to feed the birds at home, maybe put food out for them and watch to see which birds come to feed; if you can identify them for your child, count them, maybe find some feathers and paint with them. Nature is precious and struggling at the moment so let’s see if we can raise a generation that love and respect it.