This week we have been learning all about families and how they are all different. It may be that you live with your Mum and Dad, two Mums, two Dads or Grandparents. Whoever you live with makes your family and the most important thing to a family is that you are loved and cared for.
The children will feel like they belong and see themselves as important and respected. Having a strong sense of identity supports children to ask questions and try new things, to persist with challenges and celebrate their achievements. Strong family engagement is central in promoting children’s healthy development and wellness, including social, emotional and behavioural development. Learning about families and the relationships that they develop with people and places around them will prepare them for their transition into preschool and beyond.
This week, the children have been creating a family tree and talking about all the people that are important to them. We have created paper plate faces of themselves to be put on the display board in preschool.
We have been learning lots of different songs all
about families, especially ‘Mummy Finger’, which I am sure the children will have been coming home singing all week.
From learning about families the children will be able to understand their connections to others and see their similarities and differences between people, make connections between their own life and the lives of others, recognise that they have a right to belong to a family and develop a greater sense of belonging to their family.